Placement Oriented
Specialisation in DevOps Program

Industry Relevant & Recognized Training | Gain HandsOn Experience | Best-In-Class Content | Industry Use-Cases

Vimal Daga

The World Record Holder, Founder at LinuxWorld & #13, Sr. Principal IT Consultant, TEDx Speaker & Philanthropist

He has been featured at:

What will you learn in this DevOps Specialization Program ?

A family of open-source Unix-like operating systems based on the Linux kernel

  • Access Systems and get help
  • Navigate file Systems
  • Manage Local Users And Groups
  • Control Access to Files
  • Manage SElinux Security
  • Tune System Performance
  • Install and Update Software packages
  • Manage Basic Storage
  • Control Services and the Boot Process
  • Manage Networking
  • Analyze and store logs
  • Implement Advance Storage Features
  • Schedule Future tasks
  • Access Network- attached Storage
  • Manage Network Security
  • Running Containers

Ansible is an open-source engine that automates deployment, orchestration, cloud provisioning, and other tools.


Describe Ansible concepts and install Ansible Engine

Deploy Ansible

Configure Ansible to manage hosts and run ad hoc Ansible commands.

Implement playbooks

Write a simple Ansible playbook and run it to automate tasks on multiple managed hosts.

Manage variables and facts

Write playbooks that use variables to simplify management of the playbook and facts to Reference information about managed hosts.

Implement Task Control

Manage task control, handlers, and task errors in Ansible playbooks.

Deploy files to managed hosts

Deploy, manage, and adjust files on hosts managed by Ansible.

Manage large projects

Write playbooks that are optimised for larger, more complex projects.

Simplify playbooks with roles

Use Ansible roles to develop playbooks more quickly and to reuse Ansible code.

Troubleshoot Ansible

Troubleshoot playbooks and managed hosts.

Automate linux administration tasks

  • Automate common Linux system administration tasks with Ansible.
  • Ansible for the management of managed hosts.

Deploy Ansible

Configure Ansible to manage hosts and run ad hoc Ansible commands.

Implement Playbooks

  • Write a simple Ansible Playbook and run it to automate tasks on multiple managed hosts
  • Packages: yum, become, with_items
  • Services: service
  • Files: copy, file, template, lineinfile
  • Application Modules: pip, mysql_db, mysql_user
  • Stack Status: wait_for, uri, register, fail, when

Manage variables and facts

Write playbooks that use variables to simplify management of the playbook and facts to reference information about managed hosts.

Implement task control

Manage task control, handlers, and task errors in Ansible Playbooks.

Deploy files to managed hosts

Deploy, manage, and adjust files on hosts managed by Ansible.

Manage large projects

Write playbooks that are optimized for larger, more complex projects.

Simplify playbooks with roles

  • Use Ansible roles to develop playbooks more quickly and to reuse Ansible code.
  • Converting to Roles: tasks, handlers, files, templates
  • Site.yml: include
  • Variables: facts, defaults, vars, with_dict, vars_files, group_vars, vault
  • Selective Removal: shell, register, with_items, when
  • External Roles & Galaxy

Troubleshooting, Testing and validation

  • Troubleshoot playbooks and managed hosts.
  • Troubleshooting Ordering Problems
  • Jumping to Specific Tasks: list-tasks, step, start-at-task
  • Retrying Failed Hosts
  • Syntax-Check & Dry-Run: syntax-check, check
  • Debugging: debug
  • Testing Concepts

Automate linux administration tasks

Automate common Linux system administration tasks with Ansible.

Advanced execution 

  • Removing Unnecessary Steps: gather_facts
  • Extracting Repetitive Tasks: cache_valid_time
  • Limiting Execution by Hosts & Tasks
  • Idempotence: changed_when, failed_when
  • Accelerated Mode and Pipelining

In this course on Kubernetes, Understanding and solving use cases of Kubernetes is made easy through 100% practical hands-on sessions. This course covers the core to advance concepts of Kubernetes CKA &CKAD

Lab setup

In this section, we are going to see how to set up a minikube cluster with Minikube.

Introduction to Kubernetes

In this section, we will cover the basics of Kubernetes. What is a pod? What is the YAML language? How to create a pod from the command line  & YAML file. Command to delete all pods. 

  • How to start the Kubernetes cluster 
  • How to interact with Kubernetes cluster
  • What is a pod?
  • Command to launch the pod?
  • What is the YAML language?
  • How to write in a YAML language
  • How to launch a pod from the YAML file.
  • How to check the details of the pods
  • How to delete all pods

Labels & Load Balancers

In this section, we will cover the basics of Kubernetes. What are labels, selectors, replication controllers & replica sets with hands-on practicals?

  • What are labels?
  • How to set labels in a pod 
  • Different types of selectors 
  • What is a Replication Controller?
  • How to create the replication controller,
  • Scaling of the pod 
  • How to create a load balancer 
  • What is a replica set & how to create it?

Environmental Variables

In this section, we see what is an environmental variable, and how to set an environmental variable.

  • What is an environmental variable? 
  • How to create an environmental variable 
  • How to see the environmental variables of all pods 
  • Difference between kubectl create & apply command.


In this section, we see different types of storage, PVC, PV & SC. How to make storage persistent in containers. What is dynamic provisioning, NFS in storage class  with industrial use case & practicals

  • Different types of storage.
  • How to make storage persistent in containers.
  • What is Persistent volume claim(PVC)& how to create PVC?
  • What is Persistent volume(PV )& how to create it?
  • What are storage classes (SC)& its type? 
  • What is dynamic provisioning?
  • NFS in storage class.


In this section, we see what is deployment, strategies for deployment, and creating a pod with deployment.

  • What is deployment?
  • What are different strategies for deployment?
  • What is roll in & roll out?
  •  Recreate & rolling update strategy of deployment.
  •  Launching the pod with deployment & rolling In & out


In this section, we see what is secret, kustomise  & how to create WordPress & MariaDB multi-container pod with use-cases  

  • What are secrets in k8s, how to use secrets 
  • What is kustomise?
  • How to use kustomise for launching WordPress & MariaDB pods


In this section, we see what is a namespace, authentication, context & how to create it, and its use case.

  • What is a namespace, and how to create it? 
  • How to launch pod in a particular namespace.
  • What is authentication & how does authentication work?
  • How Kubernetes do authentication.
  • What is a contest in Kubernetes?

Authentication and User Management

In this section, we see how the API server works, what is authentication & its types, and what is context & how to create it. Practical on making REHL-8 VM client for Kubernetes.

  • How API server works 
  • What is authentication 
  • Different types of authentication 
  • How to make REHL-8 VM client for Kubernetes 
  • What is context & how to create custom context 
  • What is a config file & how to create it?
  • What is key & what are its different types?
  • What is encryption & decryption?
  • Certificate signing request (CSR)
  • Certificate authority (CA)
  • Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT)
  • Role-based Access control (RBAC)& how to create a role.
  • Practicals on:-
    • Creating REHL-8 client for Kubernetes
    • Creating CSR & Role

Config Map

In this section, we see what are configuration files, config map & practicals on how to make port, permanent in Apache-webserver

  • What are configuration files?
  • What is a config map?
  • How to create config map.
  • How to make port permanent in  Apache-webserver


In this section we see, what is ingress controller,path-based routing, network policies, how to set local DNS & how to change the name after launching the container?

  • What is ingress?
  • What is an ingress controller?
  • What is path-based routing?
  • How to create an ingress controller.
  • How to set local DNS.
  • What is network policy? 
  • How to create network policies
  • Filtering network packets 
  • What is the source port & destination port 
  • Ingress & Egress
  • How to edit image name after launching container

Design Patterns and Logs

In this section we see,different design patterns for pods, agent program, logs, and log formats with practicals on  different design patterns of pods & logs in the apache web server

  • Design patterns for pods 
  • What are logs, 
  • What is an agent program?
  •  How to see logs in Apache webserver 
  • How to change log format
  • What is a sidecar design pattern?
  • What is an ambassador design pattern?

Container Security

In this section, we see what is general user & root user, capabilities, service accounts & tokens. With practical for increasing the security of containers, capabilities, and service accounts & using tokens in the curl command.

  • How to create a general user.
  • What are capabilities 
  • How to give all capabilities to container 
  • How to remove capabilities from a pod
  • How to change file permission 
  • Use of strace command 
  • What is a service account & how to create it 
  • How to list all service account
  • What is a token & where it is stored 
  • How to use a token in the curl command

Custom resources(CR) & Custom Resource Definition(CRD) 

In this section, we see what are Custom resources & how to create them with 100% hands-on practical.

  • How to check all available resources 
  • What is a custom resource?
  • How to create custom resources in Kubernetes

In this course of Jenkins, Understanding and solving use cases of Jenkins is made easy through 100% practical hands-on sessions. This course covers the core to advance concepts of Jenkins and the role of Jenkins in the CI/CD.

Introduction to Jenkins.

In this section of Introduction to Jenkins, we see how Jenkins is used in the devops pipeline, What/Why/How of DevOps Culture, the CI/CD, and why time to market is important. Installation of Jenkins over AWS cloud, Explanation of Jobs, Projects and the components in it with the help of use cases.

  • What/Why/How of DevOps
  • What is CI/CD
  • Introduction to Jenkins
  • How Jenkins helps in Automation
  • Role of Jenkins in DevOps Pipeline
  • Downloading and Installing Jenkins LTS in Linux over AWS Cloud 
  • Core Concepts of Jenkins like
    1. Jobs
    2. Projects
    3. Managing Jenkins
    4. Plugins
    5. Build Trigger
    6. Polling the SCM
    7. Maven Build Steps

Master Slave Architecture.

In this section, we see how having a master-slave architecture in Jenkins will help solving various use cases, setting up master-slave architecture with linux OS, and Docker as the slave.

  • Setting up a webserver with Jenkins and GitHub with PollSCM
  • Master-Slave architecture (Manual and Dynamic) with slave as linux and docker
  • Real-life example of continuous integration with docker image updates: Rolling upgrades

Jenkins Pipeline.

In this section, we see what is a pipeline with a simple example and architecture design. Creating Jenkins pipeline to solve various use cases. To make it much easier and faster we see the concept of Pipeline as a Code in Jenkins and making scenarios to demonstrate the various keywords and components of Pipeline as a Code.

  • Jenkins Pipeline & Pipeline as a Code with groovy language
  • Setting up a web application with Pipeline as a Code

Prerequisites before Terraform

In this section we have provided contents on how to set up an AWS Account, how a candidate can configure putty with AWS, introduction to linux commands.

Reference Material

In this section, we have provided all the resources shared by Vimal Sir during the Session with Screenshot of all steps performed during hands-on session

Terraform Introduction and Use Case

In this section, Candidate will learn on basics of Terraform,why is it introduced in 

  1. Infrastructure as a code Concept
  2. Terraform Introduction
  3. AWS Services
  4. Benefits of Terraform with MultiCloud
  5. Step by Step demonstration about writing Terraform Codes with AWS provider 
  6. Setup with hands on activity

Bonus Sessions – (for Candidates who are new to AWS) – Refresher of AWS VPC Service

n this section we have provided 5 AWS sessions to anyone who is totally new to AWS. They can learn AWS Services in depth ,which will help them to perform automation and hands-on activity with terraform in coming sessions.

Terraform Provisioners

In this section, terraform provisioners use case is covered along with practice codes to implement an AWS Use case. Learners will be able to write their own Infrastructure as a Code and solve use cases related to provisioners


  •  AWS Profiles 
  • Terraform Provisioner 
  • Types of Provisioner
  • Null Resource
  • Difference between remote-exec and local-exec 
  • Terraform Variables file “terraform.tfvars 
  • terraform Workspace introduction

Terraform Certified Associate

In this section, We have demonstrated how to go about preparing for Terraform Certification Exams.

We have also taken queries of learners.

Terraform Modules

In this section, the terraform module is covered ,there are a lot of Terraform commands that can help better terraform use cases in industry. Few of them that are covered as below –

  •  Application of Output Block
  •  Importance of,,
  •  terraform fmt 
  • terraform taint 
  • Usage of terraform -out 
  •  Use of -target keyword 
  • Terraform Logs 

Terraform State File and different USE-case

In this section, candidates will learn how a state file is secured and what is the need to secure it. Below are few highlights from the session –

  • Security Groups 
  • State Lock 
  • Use case of S3 and DynamoDB for State Lock 
  •  Using alias for different providers 
  • Terraform Cloud with SCM Integration 
  •  Terraform Vault introduction

Practice Question Sets

In this section,learners can attempt the practice papers for Terraform Certification Exams. It is recommended that learners come to this section once all above practicals and hands-on activity is completed.

Introduction to Docker

In this section we see, what is container & how to launch the container with docker, the benefits of docker, what is virtualization & containerization & much more with practicals & use cases.

  • Introduction of container
  • Introduction of docker
  • Need for Docker in the industry
  • Benefits of docker
  • Downloading & installing docker
  • Different ways to install OS
  • Difference between virtualization & containerization
  • What is an image & how to download images?
  • What is docker hub?
  • How to make docker permanently enable
  • Remove all containers in one go
  • How to start/stop & remove the container
  • Why docker is super fast ?

Docker Images

In this section we see, what are images, keywords in docker files, how to create custom images, how to save images, how to push images in docker-hub, etc with hands-on practical 

  • What are docker images?
  • How to download Docker images
  • Launching a container with an image
  • Keywords in Docker files
  • Making a custom image with a docker file
  • Keywords in docker file (FROM, RUN, COPY, CMD, WORKDIR,etc)
  • COPY vs ADD Instructions
  • EXPOSE Instruction
  • Difference between CMD & Entrypoint.
  • How to save image
  • How to push the image in the docker hub
  • How to tag image  
  • Environmental variables in docker file
  • Layers of Images 
  • Flattening 
  • Docker Commit 
  • Tag an Image 
  • Filter and Format 
  • Basic Commands 
  • The copy-on-write (COW) Strategy
  • Registry
  • Repositories
  • Docker Push, Content Trust, and Pull
  • Push an Image to Docker Hub
  • Inspect, Remove and Prune Image
  • Pull and Delete an Image

Networking in Docker

In this section we see, what is NAT, Pat, router, switches, types of IP, creating custom network types, etc with hands-on practical

  • Types of IP address
  • NATing (Network address translation)
  • Different types of NATing (SNAT &DNAT )
  • PATing (Port address translation)
  • Router & Switches
  • Network inspection
  • Different types  of network
  • Bridge network type in docker
  • Host network type in docker
  • Creating a custom network
  • Launching container in our custom network
  • Changing the network of container
  • Load balancing 
  • Network Architecture 
  • Bridge networks 
  • Creating a Bridge Network
  • Host networking 
  • Overlay networks 
  • Macvlan networks 
  • None Network 
  • Prune Network 
  • Container networking model 
  • Container Networking 
  • Use Cases of Network Drivers 
  • Identifying Ports 
  • Publishing Ports 

Orchestration with Swarm

In this section, we see what are different types of storage, how to store data persistent in a container & how to provide volumes to a container with use-case & practical.

  • What is Container Orchestration?
  • What is a Docker Swarm?
  • Building a Docker Swarm
  • Docker Swarm Services
  • Deployments in Swarms
  • Scaling a Service in Swarm
  • Rolling Updates in Swarm
  • Draining a Node in Swarm
  • Connecting to a Network in Swarm
  • Giving Storage Access in Swarm
  • Storage & its types
  • What is Ephemeral & Persistent storage
  • How to make storage permanent in docker
  • How to attach a volume to a container
  • Join nodes to swarm
  • Create Replicated and Global Services
  • Running Container vs. Running Service
  • Deploy a Service on Overlay Network
  • Run a Container into a Running Service under Swarm
  • Locking in Swarm Cluster
  • Drain swarm node 
  • Docker Inspect 
  • Inspect a service on swarm
  • Replicated vs Global Service
  • Scaling Swarm Service
  • Manipulate services in stack 
  • Persistent Storage 
  • Select Storage Driver and Configure Device Mapper
  • Docker Storage Drivers 
  • Swarm Disaster Recovery

Security – DevSecOps

  • Docker Security
  • Default Engine Security 
  • Control Groups 
  • Docker Daemon Attack Surface 
  • Docker Content Trust 
  • Sign an Image 
  • Docker Content Trust Signature Verification 
  • Sign Images that UCP Can Trust 
  • Describe the Process of Signing an Image 
  • Vulnerabilities 
  • Image Passing Security Scan 
  • Client Bundle 
  • Create UCP Client Bundles 
  • External Certificates with DTR
  • Configuration of Certificates 
  • Swarm Security 
  • Secrets
  • How Docker Manages Secrets 
  • Docker Secret Commands

Docker Compose

  • Configuring Compose 
  • Docker compose commands
  • Environment file in compose 
  • Build arguments in docker compose 
  • Mounting volumes 
  • Named volumes 
  • Enforcing start up order 
  • Dynamic configuration in Docker compose 
  • Named subsets of service 
  • Compose CLI commands 
  • Deploying Compose environments 
  • Building Swarm cluster 

Projects & Use-cases

In this course of Docker, we are going to various industry-relevant use cases and also learn to launch webserver in containers and some of them are mentioned below 

  • How to launch the MYSQL database server in a container  
  • How to launch Apache webserver in a container 
  • How to create multi tier architecture in docker

Introduction to Shell Scripting

Shell scripting is a powerful tool commonly used across industries to automate tasks, test solutions, and increase efficiency

  • Operating System GUI & CLI
  • Introduction to Bash Shell

Creating a script file and building a command

  • Variables & User-defined Variables
  • Status Code
  • Executable Program
  • Path
  • Hashbang or Shebang
  • Script File
  • Bashrc File
  • Arguments

Iteration in Shell Scripting

  • Useradd & ID Command
  • Iteration & Loop
  • For Loop Syntax
  • Passwd File Manipulation

If / Else Conditions and user backup scripring

  • If-Else Conditions
  • Test Command
  • Conditional Operators
  • I/O Redirection
  • Nested Conditions
  • User Management Commands (Useradd, User Lock)
  • Regex, Grep & Cut Command
  • Home Directory Management
  • Backup using Tar Command

Executing Scripts Over Network

  • Log Analysis
  • Launching AWS EC2 Instance
  • WinSCP Tool
  • Configuring Web Server (HTTPD)
  • Access Logs & Error Logs
  • File Operations (WC, CHMOD, SUDO, AWK, SORT, UNIQ, TAIL, SCP)

Advanced Scripting Techniques

  • Regular Expressions
  • AWK & GREP Command
  • SED Command
  • Creating Options in Scripts
  • Using GETOPTS & SET Command
  • Pre-created Variables & Functions

Linux OS Fundamentals

  • Shell Basics
  • Cisco Switches
  • GUI vs. CLI
  • Introduction to Bash Shell
  • Script File Creation
  • Test Keyword
  • Logical Operators

Advanced Shell Scripting Concepts

  • User-defined Variables
  • Arrays
  • File Manipulation
  • Looping Constructs

Process and Subprocess Management

  • Job Control
  • Daemon Processes
  • Signal Handling
  • Looping & Flow Control

Advanced Commands and Techniques

  • Shopt Command
  • Tree Command
  • Export Keyword
  • Parallel Execution
  • SSH & SCP Commands
  • AWK Command for Text Processing

Powerful monitoring and visualization for modern infrastructure.

Prometheus: “Flexible, scalable and reliable metrics collection and storage”

Grafana: “Visualize, alert, and understand your data with the leading open


  • Introduction to telemetry
  • Prometheus and Grafana at a Glance
  • Prometheus installation
  • Grafana with Prometheus Installation
  • What is Grafana?
  • Why do we need it?
  • Advantage and Disadvantage of Grafana
  • Grafana Comparing with other tools
  • How Grafana works!
  • Grafana Architecture


  • Introduction to Alerting
  • Setting up Alerts


  • Prometheus Storage


  • Monitoring a web application
  • Calculating Apex score
  • Cloudwatch Exporter
  • Grafana Provisioning


  • Requirements
  • Install on RPM-based Linux
  • Run Grafana Docker image

Getting started with Grafana

  • What is Grafana?
  • Why do we need it?
  • Advantage and Disadvantage of Grafana
  • Grafana Comparing with other tools
  • How Grafana works!
  • Grafana Architecture

Data Sources in Grafana

  • Prometheus
  • Add data source
  • AWS Cloud Watch
  • Cloud Monitoring
  • MySQL

Panels in Grafana

  • Add a Panel
  • Panel Editor
  • Calculations list
  • Queries
  • Thresholds
  • Transformations
  • Share query results
  • Inspect a panel
  • Field options and overrides
  • Visualizations

Dashboards and explore in Grafana

  • Annotations
  • Dashboard Folders
  • Playlist
  • Search
  • Keyboard shortcuts
  • Time range controls
  • Reporting
  • Dashboard Version Historv
  • Share dashboard
  • Share panel
  • Export and import
  • JSON model
  • Scripted dashboards

Alerts in Grafana

  • Alert notifications
  • Create alerts
  • Pause alert rule
  • View alerts
  • Troubleshoot alerts

Authentication in Grafana

  • Overview
  • Grafana Authentication


  • Linking overview
  • Dashboard links
  • Panel links
  • URL variables
  • Data links

Templates and Variables

  • Variable syntax
  • Variables types
  • Variable examples
  • Enter variable Selection Options
  • Enter Value tags
  • Advanced variable format Options
  • Multi-value variables
  • Filter variables with regex
  • Repeat panels or rows

Manage Users

  • Add or remove a user
  • Enable or disable a user
  • Add or remove a user from a team
  • Create or remove a team
  • Organization roles
  • Dashboard and Folder Permissions
  • Datasource Permissions


  • Install plugins
  • Plugin signatures

Amazon Web Services, Inc. is a subsidiary of Amazon that provides on-demand cloud computing platforms and APIs to individuals, companies, and governments, on a metered, pay-as-you-go basis.


  • Introduction 
  • What is cloud computing ?
  • Cloud computing service model?
  • Cloud computing deployment model ? 
  • Scaling in vs scaling out ?
  • High availability 
  • Fault tolerance 
  • Different types of cloud deployment models 
    •  All in with cloud/cloud native
    •  Hybrid
    •  On-premises
  • AWS services
  • AWS infrastructure

Access Management

  • Access control 
  • IAM overview 
  • Amazon virtual private Cloud (VPC)
  • Create a custom vpc 
  • Security Group 
  • AWS CLI 
  • Implementing IAM features 
  • Password policies
  • MFA
  • Roles


  • Launching Amazon EC2 Instances
  • Connecting AWS Instances 
  • Access key 
  • IAM role with Ec2 
  • EC2 Auto scaling 
  • Amazon Elastic Load Balancing 
  • Storage for EC2 instances
  • Amazon EC2 pricing options
  • AWS Lambda(plus edge)


  • Amazon EBS & Instance store 
  • Create and Attach an EBS Volume
  •  EBS Snapshots and AMIs
  • Amazon Elastic File System (EFS)
  • Create an Amazon EFS Filesystem
  • Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
  • Working with S3 Buckets and Objects
  • Storage services
  • Amazon S3
  • Shared file systems
  • Data migration tools


  • IP addressing
  • VPC fundamentals
  • VPC traffic security (Traffic Mirroring)
  • IP addressing
  • VPC endpoints
  • VPC peering
  • Hybrid networking
  • AWS Transit Gateway
  • Strategies to build a secure virtual network
  • Hybrid networking
  • Network peering
  • Gateway 
  • Routing 

Database Services

  • Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)
  • Create an Amazon RDS Database
  • Amazon DynamoDB
  • Database services
  • Database caching
  • Database migration tools

Monitoring and Scaling

  • Monitoring
  • Alarms and events
  • Load balancing
  • Auto scaling


  • What is serverless?
  • Amazon API Gateway
  • Amazon SQS
  • Amazon SNS
  • AWS Step Functions
  • Security benefits of AWS serverless

Security and Automation

  • Principals and identities
  • The fundamentals of account security
  • Security policies
  • Managing multiple accounts
  • AWS CloudFormation
  • Infrastructure management (Sessions Manager/Systems Manager)

A code hosting platform for version control and collaboration.

  • Git Basics
  • Git Commands
  • Clone a Repository
  • Git Branching
  • Merging
  • Git Stash
  • Git Add Interactive
  • Reflog
  • Cherry Picking
  • Git Rebase
  • Git Bisect
  • Fetching and Pulling Content
  • Working With Multiple Repositories
  • Pushing Code
  • Pull Requests
  • Git Log
  • Squashing Commits
  • Cherry-Picking and Three-Way Merges
  • Git Hooks
  • Advanced: Beyond the Basics
  • GitHub Overview
  • SSH Authentication
  • GitHub Repository
  • GitHub Repository Branches
  • GitHub Tags and Releases
  • Comparing Differences
  • Social Coding
  • GitHub Issues
  • GitHub Gists
  • GitHub Organisations
  • Git And Github Interview Questions
  • Docker CE
  • Docker ee 
  • Single point of failure 
  • Multi node cluster 
  • Orchestration 
  • Introduction MKE 
  • Cloud ready support 
  • UCP 
  • MKE installation 
  • Docker in docker 
  • Swarm cluster 
  • Manager & Worker node 
  • UCP dashboard 
  • Metrix
  • MKE master node setup 
  • Mirantis Secure Registry (MSR) 
  • Private Registry 
  • MKE integration with MSR 
  • Single sign out 
  • User in MKE 
  • RBAC
  • User management 
  • Grants 
  • Creating repository in MSR 
  • Creating service 
  • Creating Grants & Collections 
  • Scanning of image 
  • CVE database , Api

This course of GitLab is designed to have a better understanding of the workflow of DevOps and core understanding of GitLab. Concepts from workflow of GitLab to Integrating Kubernetes with GitLab, this course has it all to make you industry ready for GitLab with relevant use cases.

GitLab Introduction

In this section of GitLab Introduction, we look at the core technology behind GitLab i.e., DevOps. Brief explanation on the workflow of DevOps, the process involved and how GitLab as one tool for DevOps is helpful. 

  • Introduction to DevOps 
  • Stages in DevOps
  • CI/CD
  • GitLab Introduction
  • GitLab core components like Projects, CI/CD, Runners

GitLab Runners

This section of GitLab Runner is about GitLab Runners, we see the What/Why/How of GitLab runners. Other concepts of this section are about overview of SDLC, Connecting GitLab from local system using Git. In this section we also see how we can build an nodejs web application.

  • SDLC
  • GitLab Runners
  • Custom Runners
  • Connecting GitLab using Git
  • Building an Nodejs web application using GitLab

CI/CD on GitLab Runners

This section of CI/CD is about how we can set up CI/CD on two different separate Runners. Types of runners and how we can use them according to the use case. We see how to create a Python web application using GitLab inside a docker which is running on a specific runner over AWS cloud. 

  • CI/CD
  • Docker
  • Types of Runners
  • Specific Runners
  • Building a python web application using GitLab
  • Pushing Docker image to private registry 

Advanced Pipeline Concepts

In this Section of Advance Pipeline Concepts, we see how to create an advanced pipeline, using Variables in the python web application pipeline. We also how to setup DinD which is docker inside docker. 

  • Types of variables
  • Protecting and Masking the variable
  • Using Public Key & Private key for Authentication
  • Merging 
  • Testing codes using pytest
  • Building custom Docker image 
  • Heroku 

Integrating Kubernetes with GitLab

In this section we see how we can integrate kubernetes with GitLab and use cases solved by the same. Introduction to GitOps and explanation on job templates and much more

  • Integrating kubernetes with GitLab 
  • GitOps 
  • Xac
  • GitLab Rules
  • Package registry 
  • Tags
  • Helm
  • Tags
  • Tokens
  • Job Templates

Capstone Projects

Setting up a Multi-Tier Application in Containers

Containerize a multi-tier application with frontend, backend, and database components. Using Docker to create and manage containers.

Integrating Prometheus with Grafana

Setting up Prometheus for monitoring application metrics. Visualize metrics with Grafana dashboards.

Integrating Docker files with Docker Compose

Create Dockerfiles for different application components. Using Docker Compose to manage multi-container Docker applications.

Integrating GitLab with Kubernetes

Using GitLab CI/CD for continuous integration and deployment. Deploying applications to Kubernetes clusters from GitLab.

Integrating Kubernetes with Docker

Deploying containerized applications using Kubernetes. Use Kubernetes to manage container orchestration and scaling.

Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

Using Terraform to define and provision infrastructure. Managing infrastructure changes through version control.

Configuring Jenkins Master-Slave Architecture in Docker

Setting up Jenkins master and slave nodes in Docker containers. Implementing distributed builds using Jenkins agents.

Building a CI/CD Pipeline

Implementing a continuous integration and deployment pipeline using Jenkins or GitLab CI. Automating testing, building, and deployment processes.

And many more...

Mastering Technologies

Companies Hiring

Job Opportunities in Devops

INIT Recruitment Platform

A unique placement platform for core technical job roles in dream companies

Careers in DevOps

Devops Evangelist

A DevOps Evangelist plays a vital role in the concept of DevOps philosophy. DevOps consists of primal philosophy for buying in worthy stakeholders and removing organizational barriers.

Automation Architect

 An automation architect is often called an Integration Specialist. The role and responsibilities of a DevOps engineer are to find optimizing opportunities for supporting the development cycles.

Devops Architect

A DevOps Architect is a professional who designs and implements DevOps practices within an organization. They are responsible for creating a collaborative environment where software can be built, tested, and released quickly, frequently, and reliably.

Devops Engineer

A foundational role in the DevOps ecosystem, DevOps Engineers work on automating and optimizing the software development and deployment pipeline. They are skilled in scripting, coding, and deploying infrastructure as code.

Cloud Devops Engineer

Cloud DevOps Engineers specialize in cloud computing platforms, such as AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud. They design and manage cloud infrastructure, automate cloud-based applications, and optimize cloud deployments for scalability and cost-efficiency.

Security Engineer

Security Engineers, often referred to as DevSecOps Engineers, ensure that security is a key component throughout the software development lifecycle. They implement security controls and automate security checks within the CI/CD pipeline.

You probably already know...

$10.31 Billion

The DevOps market is expected to grow from USD 3.42 Billion in 2018 to USD 10.31 Billion by 2023, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 24.7%

46% of IT Companies

Researches have also shown that in the coming years DevOps will be the main hiring criteria for 46% of the IT companies

65% of the Hiring Managers

65% of the hiring managers are looking to employ DevOps Talent. Google, Amazon, NTT Data, HP, Dell, GE, Intuit, PayPal, Uber & other MNCs use DevOps

₹6.5 lakhs for Fresher

In India, a DevOps engineer can earn ₹6.5 lakhs on an average according to PayScale and Glassdoor salary statistics.

Who is this training for?

Software Developers and Engineers
IT Operations Professionals
Project Managers and Product Owners
System Administrators
Cloud Engineers
Students and Recent Graduates
Anyone Interested in IT and Software Development

You are now a Certified DevOps Engineer

Yes! You will be certified for this training once you submit the task given, if any

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Receive an instructor signed certificate with institution’s logo to verify your achievements and increase your job prospects

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Add the certificate to your CV or your Resume or post it directly on LInkedin. You can even post it on instagram and twitter.

Enhances Credibility

Use your certificate to enhance your professional credibility and stand out among your peers!

Increase potential opportunities

By showcasing your achieved skill set using your certificate, attracting the employer for the desired job opportunities becomes easy

Book your spot ! The special pricing is available for limited number of confirmations only…

Placement Oriented Specialization in DevOps Training (Save ₹ 20,000 )

₹ 40,000 ₹ 60,000 (+ taxes)

What you’ll get...

And bonuses too...

Know Your Mentor

None of the technologies is complex since created by human beings. Hence, anyone can learn it and create something new.

#13 proudly presents Vimal Daga as the mentor for this program

A world record holder, Mr. Vimal Daga is a Technologist, Philanthropist & A TEDx Speaker who is dedicatedly working towards his vision- “Awakening the youth through a culture of right education”.

He is the first one in the world to become “RedHat Certified Architect Level 25 along with Enterprise Application Level 10”. Companies benefited from his 19+ years of experience

He has expertise in multitude of latest and high-end technologies namely Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Delphix, AppDynamics, Docker, DevOps, Cloud Computing, AWS, and many more.

Frequently Asked Questions

It’s a self paced training program. You can learn at your convenience

No, we are not offering any corporate or group discount.

We start from the very basics, so no previous knowledge is required.

Yes DEFINITELY..You will be added to a community where technical support team members will answer your queries for 90 days from the completion of the program.

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