Cloud computing with Full Stack Web Development

React.js | Bootstrap | AWS CLI | EBS | EFS | Amazon Rekognition | Amazon Comprehend and more

Train with the best to create the next big thing

Vimal Daga

The World Record Holder, Founder at LinuxWorld & #13, Sr. Principal IT Consultant, TEDx Speaker & Philanthropist

Demanded by leaders in Tech

Job opportunities in Cloud Computing

What will you learn in the training?

Cloud computing with Full Stack Web Development

  • Web Servers and Client
  • Static and Dynamic Web Page
  • Single Page Application and Multiple Page Application
  • API
  • HTTPD Web Server
  • GET and POST request
  • Postman Tool
  • Developers Tools
  • Basic HTML Tags
  • Pre tag
  • Input tag
  • HTML Forms
  • Radio Buttons
  • Checkboxes
  • Hyperlinks
  • DOM and DOM tree
  • HTML Tables
  • CSS Basic Properties
  • Margin and Padding
  • CSS Class
  • Advance CSS 
  • Javascript Introduction And Use Cases
  • Use of JS, Events in JS, HTML Attributes by JS
  • DOM & BOM
  • Data types in JS
  • Animation basics
  • Content Modification on browser using DevTools
  • JS call-backs
  • Asynchronous JS
  • JS Objects (OOP)
  • Shorthand operators
  • JQuery operations on HTML tags
  • JS RegExp
  • CRUD operations on Objects
  • Loops
  • Array
  • Targeting tags with id
  • Variable scopes: Local & Global
  • ECMA script (ES6)
  • Events 
  • NaN() method
  • Form validation
  • Anonymous function
  • Split function
  • Trim function
  • Margin and Padding
  • setTimeout() function
  • Callback function
  • Synchronous and Asynchronous Calls
  • For-each loop
  • Parsing JSON data
  • String interpolation
  • map() function
  • BootStrap brief
  • Higher Order functions
  • Advance function: setTimeout and setInterval
  • Introduction
  • Creating React App
  • Functional Component
  • Class based Component
  • React DOM
  • Material Design
  • Events
  • 3D rotation property
  • JSX
  • State Management
  • React Hooks
  • Props
  • Mapping in JSX
  • What is Bootstrap?
  • Advantages of using Bootstrap
  • Understanding the grid system
  • Creating layouts using the grid system
  • Responsive design with the grid system
  • Creating a responsive navigation bar
  • Introduction to Bootstrap components
  • Creating forms with Bootstrap
  • Adding buttons and icons
  • Creating a carousel
  • Adding custom CSS to Bootstrap
  • Introduction to Bootstrap JavaScript plugins
  • Adding functionality with JavaScript plugins
  • Creating a modal
  • Adding a tooltip and popover
  • Accessibility in Bootstrap
  • Using Bootstrap with other frameworks
  • Best practices for using Bootstrap
  • Python basics
  • What is Python?
  • Advantages of using Python
  • Installing Python
  • Anaconda
  • Jupyter Notebook
  • Running Python programs
  • Understanding variables and data types
  • Arithmetic operations and operators
  • Control structures: conditional statements and loops
  • Functions and arguments
  • Python Data Structures
  • Lists, tuples, and sets
  • Dictionaries and maps
  • List comprehension and generators
  • Working with files and directories
  • Python Modules and Packages
  • Python Object-Oriented Programming
  • Understanding object-oriented programming (OOP)
  • Classes and objects
  • Inheritance and polymorphism
  • Advanced OOP concepts
  • Regular expressions
  • Exception handling
  • Debugging and testing
  • Network programming
  • Git Basics
  • Git Commands
  • Clone a Repository
  • Git Branching
  • Merging
  • Git Stash
  • Git Add Interactive
  • Reflog
  • Cherry Picking
  • Git Rebase
  • Git Bisect
  • Fetching and Pulling Content
  • Working With Multiple Repositories
  • Pushing Code
  • Pull Requests
  • Git Log
  • Squashing Commits
  • Cherry-Picking and Three-Way Merges
  • Git Hooks
  • Advanced: Beyond the Basics
  • GitHub Overview
  • SSH Authentication
  • GitHub Repository
  • GitHub Repository Branches
  • GitHub Tags and Releases
  • Comparing Differences
  • Social Coding
  • GitHub Issues
  • GitHub Gists
  • GitHub Organisations
  • What is Flask?
  • Advantages of using Flask
  • Installing Flask
  • Creating a Flask project
  • Understanding the MVC pattern
  • Creating routes and views
  • Creating models and database tables
  • Querying the database with Flask-SQLAlchemy
  • Understanding URL routing in Flask
  • Rendering HTML templates
  • Template inheritance and blocks
  • Adding dynamic data to templates
  • Using Jinja2 template engine
  • Creating HTML forms with Flask-WTF
  • Validating form data
  • Saving form data to the database
  • Using Flask-WTF form fields and widgets
  • User authentication in Flask
  • Creating user accounts
  • Restricting access to views and pages
  • User roles and permissions
  • Creating and configuring a database in Flask
  • Advanced database queries with SQLAlchemy
  • Using Flask-Admin for database administration
  • Deploying a Flask application to a production server
  • Configuring a web server and database server
  • Setting up static file serving
  • Setting up static file serving
  • Debugging and error handling
  • Customizing the Flask admin interface
  • Writing custom views and middleware
  • Using third-party Flask extensions
  • Best practices for Flask development
  • Introduction to MySQL
  • Advantages of using MySQL
  • Installing MySQL
  • Creating a database and tables
  • SQL Basics
  • Understanding SQL syntax
  • Creating tables and columns
  • Inserting, updating, and deleting data
  • Retrieving data using SELECT statements
  • Advanced SQL Queries
  • Filtering and sorting data
  • Aggregating data using GROUP BY and HAVING clauses
  • Joining tables
  • Using subqueries
  • Indexes and Optimization
  • Understanding indexes and their types
  • Creating indexes for tables
  • Query optimization techniques
  • Analyzing and improving database performance
  • Transactions and Concurrency
  • Handling concurrent access to the database
  • Using locks and transactions to prevent conflicts
  • Using MySQL with Python
  • Connecting to a database
  • Querying data using Python
  • Using MySQL with other Python packages
  • Advanced MySQL Concepts
  • Understanding triggers and their uses
  • Using views to simplify queries
  • MySQL Administration
  • Backing up and restoring a database
  • Monitoring and tuning database performance
  • Configuring security and access control
  • Troubleshooting common issues
  • Using MySQL in web applications
  • Cloud Computing Basic 

  • Introduction about Servers 

  • AWS Cloud Introduction 

  • AWS Data centers and their locations 

  • AWS Availability zones and Regions

  • AWS EC2

  • Bare metal and Virtualization 

  • Containerization

  • What is instance  

  • IAM 

  • Permission policies in IAM 

  • Accessing EC2 instance using SSH protocol 

  • Internet’s networking over the globe

  • Proxy concept 

  • Socks5 Proxy with implementation

  • Deploying simple web page on EC2 

  • 3 ways to configure any system

  • Cloud-init

  • metadata server

  • AMI amazon machine image 

  • Launch instance by AWS CLI 

  • configure AWS 

  • AWS cli commands

  • Full Backup 

  • Incremental Backup 

  • Practical How to create Snapshot

  • creating volume by Snapshot

  • Transferring HD from one region to other

  • Recycle Bin 

  • Retention period 

  • Encrypt the existing volume

  • Archive snapshot

  • AWS’s Global Network Infrastructure

  • Global Accelerator 

  • Edge locations 

  • AWS Compute Optimizer 

  • Regional service 

  • global service

  • Storage

  • EBS

  • Persistent Storage

  • S3

  • NFS

  • Storage as a service

  • Block, File, Object Storage

  • Partition

  • Disaster Recovery 

  • System Manager 

  • Allowing EC2 to use S3

  • Storage Tier

  • Standard storage tier 

  • Archive storage

  • EBS 

  • STAAS 

  • I/O Operation 

  • Storage of EBS

  • Amazon Machine Images (AMI)

  • Create Own custom AMI

  • Data Lifecycle Manager (DML)

  • Tier 

  • Create Lifecycle policy 

  • AWS Backup

  • Use Amazon EFS with amazon ec2 

  • Durability of EFS 

  • Availability of EFS

  • EFS Storage classes

  • Create an EFS filesystem using amazon EFS

  • Add shared file system to ec2 instance

  • NFS Server

  • NFS Client 

  • NFS Protocol

  • AWS Virtual Private Cloud
  •  Right meaning of VPC
  • NAT Gateway
  • Security Group & NACL
  • Web Servers and Client
  • Static and Dynamic Web Page
  • Single Page Application and Multiple Page Application
  • API
  • HTTPD Web Server
  • GET and POST request
  • Postman Tool
  • Developers Tools
  • API

  • Request-response method


  • Resource Path

  • Methods or Verbs

  • Integration Type 

  • Lambda Proxy 

  • Status code

  • Serverless

  • AWS Lambda

  • Lambda Function

  • Handler 

  • Integrate S3 with Lambda

  • Event 

  • Event Types

  • Amazon Transcribe

  • Integrate S3, Transcribe and Lambda

  • AWS Load Balancer

  • Application Load Balance

  • NLB with ALB

  • Gateway Load balancer

  • Auto Scaling Groups

  • Monitoring
  • Alarms and events
  • Load balancing
  • Auto Scaling
  • IP Addressing
  • VPC fundamentals
  • VPC traffic security (Traffic Mirroring)
  • IP Addressing
  • VPC endpoints
  • VPC peering
  • Hybrid networking
  • AWS Transit Gateway
  • Strategies to build a secure virtual network
  • Hybrid networking
  • Network peering
  • Gateway 
  • Routing
  • Access control 
  • IAM overview 
  • Amazon virtual private Cloud (VPC)
  • Create a custom vpc 
  • Security Group 
  • AWS CLI 
  • Implementing IAM features 
  • Password policies
  • MFA
  • Roles
  • Principals and identities
  • The fundamentals of account security
  • Security policies
  • Managing multiple accounts
  • AWS CloudFormation
  • Infrastructure management (Sessions Manager/Systems Manager)
  • Overview of AWS AI services
  • Benefits of using AWS for AI
  • Amazon SageMaker
  • SageMaker Studio
  • SageMaker Ground Truth
  • SageMaker Autopilot
  • SageMaker Debugger
  • Introduction to Amazon Rekognition
  • Image and video analysis
  • Face detection and recognition
  • Text detection and recognition
  • Introduction to Amazon Transcribe
  • Automatic speech recognition
  • Custom vocabulary and language models
  • Integration with other AWS services
  • Introduction to Amazon Translate
  • Neural machine translation
  • Custom terminology and language models
  • Integration with other AWS services
  • Introduction to Amazon Forecast
  • Time-series forecasting
  • Custom models and algorithms
  • Integration with other AWS services

Why Cloud computing with Full Stack Web Development is Essential?


Cloud computing platforms like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud provide scalable infrastructure that can handle varying levels of traffic. By integrating cloud services into your full stack development projects, you can easily scale your applications as needed without worrying about hardware limitations.


Cloud computing allows you to pay only for the resources you use, making it a cost-effective option for hosting and deploying web applications. Additionally, cloud providers often offer pricing models that are more affordable for startups and small businesses compared to maintaining physical servers.


Flexibility and Agility

Cloud computing enables developers to quickly provision and deploy resources, reducing time-to-market for web applications. Full stack developers leveraging cloud services can take advantage of pre-built components and managed services, allowing them to focus on building innovative features rather than managing infrastructure.

Global Reach

Cloud computing platforms have data centers located worldwide, enabling you to deploy your applications closer to your users for lower latency and better performance. This global reach is especially beneficial for applications with international user bases.

Reliability and High Availability

Cloud providers offer robust infrastructure with built-in redundancy and failover mechanisms, ensuring high availability for your applications. By utilizing cloud services, you can minimize downtime and provide a seamless experience for your users.


Cloud providers invest heavily in security measures to protect their infrastructure and customer data. By leveraging cloud services, you can benefit from enterprise-grade security features such as encryption, identity and access management, and threat detection.

Empower Your Career with These Cloud Skills

Who is this training for?

Working IT Professionals
Freshers aspiring for an IT role
College pursuing students
Managers & Team Leaders
Technical Co-Founders
College HOD & Professors

4 Reasons to learn Specialization in Cloud computing with Full stack Web Development under Mr. Vimal Daga


Teaching beyond the certification 


Practical Industry knowledge, Creator mentality


90 days technical support and a community for lifetime networking


Exclusive training of most demanded & market valued Cloud computing with Full stack Web Development

Still not sure if the training is for YOU?

Please see if you can resonate with any, tick where your answer is YES !

If you have ticked any of the above box, then you are invited to join Full stack web development + Cloud computing Training

Get Certified

Yes! You will be certified for this training once you submit the task given, if any

Official and verified:

Receive an instructor signed certificate with institution’s logo to verify your achievements and increase your job prospects

Easily shareable

Add the certificate to your CV or your Resume or post it directly on LInkedin. You can even post it on instagram and twitter.

Enhances Credibility

Use your certificate to enhance your professional credibility and stand out among your peers as an expert

Increase potential opportunities

By showcasing your achieved skill set using your certificate, attracting the employer for the desired job opportunities becomes easy

Know Your Mentor

None of the technologies is complex since created by human beings. Hence, anyone can learn it and create something new.

#13 proudly presents Vimal Daga as the mentor for this program

A world record holder, Mr. Vimal Daga is a Technologist, Philanthropist & A TEDx Speaker who is dedicatedly working atowards his vision- “Awakening the youth through a culture of right education”.

He is the first one in the world to become “RedHat Certified Architect Level 25 along with Enterprise Application Level 10”. Companies benefited from his 19+ years of experience.

He has expertise in multitude of latest and high-end technologies namely Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Delphix, AppDynamics, Docker, DevOps, Cloud Computing, AWS, and many more.
2,00,000+ Students Impacted
1,50,000+ Professionals trained
75+ Global Certifications
200+ Companies benefited

Vimal's Journey
From humble beginnings to winning learners' hearts across the globe

With the expertise to deliver any technology in an easy way and a heart to share his knowledge, Vimal Daga is a self-made IT enthusiast. He is meticulous about researching the skills needed for the future and making them available for the entrepreneurs & professionals of tomorrow. The masterly IT consultant has changed the lives of many students with his inspiring teachings.  You can be the next!

Stepping Stones of Vimal’s vision: 

Vimal Daga, in his near 20 years of experience has earned many laurels. To mention a few:
  • Became Young Entrepreneur 
  • A TedX speaker
  • Trained more than 3,50,000+ students for free
  • Two-time world record holder
  • Fastest achiever of 11 AWS global certifications (in 11 days)
  • Highest RHCA level holder (25th level with 10th level EA)
  • Creating 100s and more of entrepreneurs through his trainings

Book your spot ! We will be increasing the price soon…

Cloud computing with Full stack Web Development - Launch Offer (Save ₹ 13,500)

₹ 8,500 ₹ 22,000 (+ taxes)

What you’ll learn...

And bonuses too...

Frequently Asked Questions

  • 110 hours Total
  • Online/Offline mode available
  • Starting from 28th June / 1st July 2024

The program will be delivered LIVE, providing full interactive opportunities to participants for sustainable learning.

Yes, we do provide the access to the material which was covered in the training for your future reference for limited time span

No, we are not offering any corporate or group discount.

We start from the very basics, so no previous knowledge is required.

Yes DEFINITELY..You will be added to a community where technical support team members will answer your queries for 90 days from the completion of the program.

We have a “NO REFUND POLICY”. For related queries email us at

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