Master Git & GitHub
(16 hours)
Automation Using Ansible
(30 hours)
Jenkins & Build Automation
(30 hours)
Docker Certified Associate
(28+ hours)
The World Record Holder, Founder at LinuxWorld & #13, Sr. Principal IT Consultant, TEDx Speaker & Philanthropist
(16 hours)
(30 hours)
(30 hours)
(28+ hours)
(45 hours)
(20 hours)
(24 hours)
(5 hours)
The average salary for DevOps engineers in India has seen substantial growth over the past five years. In 2019, the average salary was ₹7 lakh per annum, and it increased to ₹18 lakh per annum by 2023. This rise in compensation reflects the growing demand for DevOps professionals, driven by the widespread adoption of cloud computing, automation, and continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) practices across industries. With companies increasingly focusing on agile methodologies and scalable infrastructure, the value of DevOps expertise continues to grow, leading to higher salaries and better career prospects
A code hosting platform for version control and collaboration.
Introduction to Docker
In this section we see, what is container & how to launch the container with docker, the benefits of docker, what is virtualization & containerization & much more with practicals & use cases.
Docker Images
In this section we see, what are images, keywords in docker files, how to create custom images, how to save images, how to push images in docker-hub, etc with hands-on practical
Networking in Docker
In this section we see, what is NAT, Pat, router, switches, types of IP, creating custom network types, etc with hands-on practical
Orchestration with Swarm
In this section, we see what are different types of storage, how to store data persistent in a container & how to provide volumes to a container with use-case & practical.
Security – DevSecOps
Docker Compose
Projects & Use-cases
In this course of Docker, we are going to various industry-relevant use cases and also learn to launch webserver in containers and some of them are mentioned below
Ansible is an open-source engine that automates deployment, orchestration, cloud provisioning, and other tools.
Describe Ansible concepts and install Ansible Engine
Deploy Ansible
Configure Ansible to manage hosts and run ad hoc Ansible commands.
Implement playbooks
Write a simple Ansible playbook and run it to automate tasks on multiple managed hosts.
Manage variables and facts
Write playbooks that use variables to simplify management of the playbook and facts to Reference information about managed hosts.
Implement Task Control
Manage task control, handlers, and task errors in Ansible playbooks.
Deploy files to managed hosts
Deploy, manage, and adjust files on hosts managed by Ansible.
Manage large projects
Write playbooks that are optimised for larger, more complex projects.
Simplify playbooks with roles
Use Ansible roles to develop playbooks more quickly and to reuse Ansible code.
Troubleshoot Ansible
Troubleshoot playbooks and managed hosts.
Automate linux administration tasks
Deploy Ansible
Configure Ansible to manage hosts and run ad hoc Ansible commands.
Implement Playbooks
Manage variables and facts
Write playbooks that use variables to simplify management of the playbook and facts to reference information about managed hosts.
Implement task control
Manage task control, handlers, and task errors in Ansible Playbooks.
Deploy files to managed hosts
Deploy, manage, and adjust files on hosts managed by Ansible.
Manage large projects
Write playbooks that are optimized for larger, more complex projects.
Simplify playbooks with roles
Troubleshooting, Testing and validation
Automate linux administration tasks
Automate common Linux system administration tasks with Ansible.
Advanced execution
In this course on Kubernetes, Understanding and solving use cases of Kubernetes is made easy through 100% practical hands-on sessions. This course covers the core to advance concepts of Kubernetes CKA &CKAD
Lab setup
In this section, we are going to see how to set up a minikube cluster with Minikube.
Introduction to Kubernetes
In this section, we will cover the basics of Kubernetes. What is a pod? What is the YAML language? How to create a pod from the command line & YAML file. Command to delete all pods.
Labels & Load Balancers
In this section, we will cover the basics of Kubernetes. What are labels, selectors, replication controllers & replica sets with hands-on practicals?
Environmental Variables
In this section, we see what is an environmental variable, and how to set an environmental variable.
In this section, we see different types of storage, PVC, PV & SC. How to make storage persistent in containers. What is dynamic provisioning, NFS in storage class with industrial use case & practicals
In this section, we see what is deployment, strategies for deployment, and creating a pod with deployment.
In this section, we see what is secret, kustomise & how to create WordPress & MariaDB multi-container pod with use-cases
In this section, we see what is a namespace, authentication, context & how to create it, and its use case.
Authentication and User Management
In this section, we see how the API server works, what is authentication & its types, and what is context & how to create it. Practical on making REHL-8 VM client for Kubernetes.
Config Map
In this section, we see what are configuration files, config map & practicals on how to make port, permanent in Apache-webserver
In this section we see, what is ingress controller,path-based routing, network policies, how to set local DNS & how to change the name after launching the container?
Design Patterns and Logs
In this section we see,different design patterns for pods, agent program, logs, and log formats with practicals on different design patterns of pods & logs in the apache web server
Container Security
In this section, we see what is general user & root user, capabilities, service accounts & tokens. With practical for increasing the security of containers, capabilities, and service accounts & using tokens in the curl command.
Custom resources(CR) & Custom Resource Definition(CRD)
In this section, we see what are Custom resources & how to create them with 100% hands-on practical.
In this course of Jenkins, Understanding and solving use cases of Jenkins is made easy through 100% practical hands-on sessions. This course covers the core to advance concepts of Jenkins and the role of Jenkins in the CI/CD.
Introduction to Jenkins.
In this section of Introduction to Jenkins, we see how Jenkins is used in the devops pipeline, What/Why/How of DevOps Culture, the CI/CD, and why time to market is important. Installation of Jenkins over AWS cloud, Explanation of Jobs, Projects and the components in it with the help of use cases.
Master Slave Architecture.
In this section, we see how having a master-slave architecture in Jenkins will help solving various use cases, setting up master-slave architecture with linux OS, and Docker as the slave.
Jenkins Pipeline.
In this section, we see what is a pipeline with a simple example and architecture design. Creating Jenkins pipeline to solve various use cases. To make it much easier and faster we see the concept of Pipeline as a Code in Jenkins and making scenarios to demonstrate the various keywords and components of Pipeline as a Code.
Powerful monitoring and visualization for modern infrastructure.
Prometheus: “Flexible, scalable and reliable metrics collection and storage”
Grafana: “Visualize, alert, and understand your data with the leading open
Getting started with Grafana
Data Sources in Grafana
Panels in Grafana
Dashboards and explore in Grafana
Alerts in Grafana
Authentication in Grafana
Templates and Variables
Manage Users
This course of GitLab is designed to have a better understanding of the workflow of DevOps and core understanding of GitLab. Concepts from workflow of GitLab to Integrating Kubernetes with GitLab, this course has it all to make you industry ready for GitLab with relevant use cases.
GitLab Introduction
In this section of GitLab Introduction, we look at the core technology behind GitLab i.e., DevOps. Brief explanation on the workflow of DevOps, the process involved and how GitLab as one tool for DevOps is helpful.
GitLab Runners
This section of GitLab Runner is about GitLab Runners, we see the What/Why/How of GitLab runners. Other concepts of this section are about overview of SDLC, Connecting GitLab from local system using Git. In this section we also see how we can build an nodejs web application.
CI/CD on GitLab Runners
This section of CI/CD is about how we can set up CI/CD on two different separate Runners. Types of runners and how we can use them according to the use case. We see how to create a Python web application using GitLab inside a docker which is running on a specific runner over AWS cloud.
Advanced Pipeline Concepts
In this Section of Advance Pipeline Concepts, we see how to create an advanced pipeline, using Variables in the python web application pipeline. We also how to setup DinD which is docker inside docker.
Integrating Kubernetes with GitLab
In this section we see how we can integrate kubernetes with GitLab and use cases solved by the same. Introduction to GitOps and explanation on job templates and much more
Entire Global Training on RHCSA V9 that covers
RHEL 9 Basics: Overview, commands, navigation, file management, text tools, bash scripting.
User Management: User commands, password policies, permissions, configurations.
File Permissions: Managing permissions with chmod, chown, chgrp.
Software Management: Using dnf, installing/updating software, repository management.
Storage Management: Partition management, Logical Volume Manager (LVM).
Network Configuration: Interface configuration, DNS/DHCP, troubleshooting, SSH.
System Monitoring: Tools (top, htop), disk space and logs.
Security & SELinux: Security concepts, firewall, SELinux management.
Process Management: Managing processes, scheduling with cron.
Virtualization: Local storage management, creating VMs, containers.
Complete shell scripting training covering
You don’t need to select a training program that doesn’t support you after it is over. Here you will be a part of a community where your technical queries will be handled much beyond program completion
The DevOps market is expected to grow from USD 3.42 Billion in 2018 to USD 10.31 Billion by 2023, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 24.7%
Researches have also shown that in the coming years DevOps will be the main hiring criteria for 46% of the IT companies
65% of the hiring managers are looking to employ DevOps Talent. Google, Amazon, NTT Data, HP, Dell, GE, Intuit, PayPal, Uber & other MNCs use DevOps
In India, a DevOps engineer can earn ₹6.5 lakhs on an average according to PayScale and Glassdoor salary statistics.
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A world record holder, Mr. Vimal Daga is a Technologist, Philanthropist & A TEDx Speaker who is dedicatedly working towards his vision- “Awakening the youth through a culture of right education”.
He is the first one in the world to become “RedHat Certified Architect Level 25 along with Enterprise Application Level 10”. Companies benefited from his 19+ years of experience
It’s starting from 20th October 2024
Live & Self paced both
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We start from the very basics, so no previous knowledge is required.
Yes DEFINITELY..You will be added to a community where technical support team members will answer your queries for 90 days from the completion of the program.
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