Master In-Demand Programming Languages
Training in ONE Program!
Your Path to Becoming a Programming Pro!

Vimal Daga

One & Only to achieve 11 AWS Global Certifications in just 11 days
The World Record Holder, Founder at LinuxWorld & #13, Sr. Principal IT Consultant, TEDx Speaker & Philanthropist

He has been featured at:

Programming Languages Included


What will you learn in the training?


Module 1: Python Basics

  • Operating system fundamentals
  • Install Python using Anaconda
  • Coding and handling syntax errors
  • Introduction to functions
  • Associative memory concepts
  • Variables, references, and memory management

Module 2: Data Structures & Operations

  • Different RAM and storage devices
  • Reading entire RAM using Python
  • Python lists: index, append(), slicing, len()
  • Arrays and vectors: 1D data operations
  • Matrices and slicing in nested lists with NumPy

Module 3: Python Essentials

  • Boolean operators, type(), dir()
  • Saving source code and using libraries, modules, functions
  • Installing and using libraries with pip command
  • Text-to-speech with Pyttsx3 library
  • Sending WhatsApp, SMS, and emails using Python

Module 4: Memory & Optimization

  • Data types and typecasting in Python
  • Space and time complexity basics
  • Checking memory usage of variables
  • Multi-value assignment and swapping
  • Python memory management: shallow and deep copy

Module 5: Loops & Control Statements

  • Python operators (relational, comparison, logical)
  • Decision control statements (if, else, elif)
  • Iteration and loops: for loop, while loop, break, continue
  • Block of code and indentation rules

Module 6: Strings & Functions

  • Split and join operations on strings
  • Function creation and parameterization
  • Lambda functions, f-strings, and function arguments
  • Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)

Module 7: File Handling

  • File operations: read(), write(), open(), close()
  • File modes (r, w) and directory handling with mkdir(), remove()
  • Handling EOL, EOF characters in files
  • Working with file seeking and file access

Module 8: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

  • Classes, objects, and methods
  • CRUD operations on objects, attributes, and access modifiers
  • Inheritance, overriding methods, and super() keyword
  • Understanding multiple inheritance and hybrid inheritance

Module 9: Concurrency & Multithreading

  • Processes in Python, parallel processing, context switching
  • Threading: Single-threaded vs. Multithreading concepts
  • Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) and thread synchronization
  • Race conditions, Mutex concept, and thread locks

Module 10: Multiprocessing & Parallelism

  • Multiprocessing: parent-child process communication
  • CPU-bound vs. I/O-bound programs
  • Shared variables, memory management in multiprocessing
  • Queue & Pipe communication with multiprocessing

Module 11: Advanced Functional Programming

  • Higher-order functions, decorators, wrapper functions
  • Function as input, and use cases of decorators
  • Understanding the difference between local and global scope

Module 12: Network & Server Programming

  • Networking fundamentals: IP, Port, socket programming
  • Server-side and client-side communication with socket
  • Network protocols and binding

Module 13: Exception Handling & Debugging

  • Handling exceptions with try, except, and finally
  • Common error types: TypeError, NameError, SyntaxError
  • Raising exceptions and handling I/O-bound processes

Module 14: Data Visualization

  • Introduction to libraries like Seaborn, Matplotlib, Pandas, Plotly
  • Creating graphs and visualizations


C ++

  • Module 1: Introduction to C++ and Its Use Cases

    • Why Use C++?
      • Real-world applications of C++ in various domains.
      • Speed and performance advantages of C++.
    • Compiler Overview
      • How C++ compilers work (GCC, MinGW-w64).
      • Machine Code Generation and Execution.
    • C++ Basics
      • Installation and setup of DEV C++.
      • Use of ‘cout’ keyword and basic input/output operations.

    Module 2: Understanding Memory in C++

    • Memory Concepts
      • RAM, Memory Manager, and Physical Memory Address.
      • High-Level vs Low-Level Languages.
    • Data Types & Variables
      • Integer, Short Int, Long Long Int.
      • Usage of INT_MIN, INT_MAX, SHRT_MIN.
    • Pointers in C++
      • Memory Address (& operator) and Dereferencing (* operator).
      • Pointer to Pointer, usage and benefits.

    Module 3: Fundamentals of Operating Systems & Complexities

    • OS & CPU
      • Basics of Operating Systems and CPU interaction with C++.
    • Space and Time Complexity
      • Measuring and optimizing memory usage and performance in C++.
    • Pointer Arithmetic & Initialization
      • Using sizeof and memory management through pointers.

    Module 4: C++ Syntax & Basic Operations

    • Compiler & IDE Setup
      • Introduction to different C++ compilers and IDEs.
    • Primitive and Non-Primitive Data Types
      • Understanding of basic data types and their memory requirements.
    • String Handling and Input/Output Operations
      • Using cin, cout, decltype, endl in C++ programs.

    Module 5: Functions and Algorithm Design

    • Function Basics
      • Definition, Return Types, Parameters, and Scope.
      • Stack Memory, Activation Records, and Stack Frames.
    • Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)
      • Importance of modular code and memory management.
    • Algorithm Development
      • Steps to design efficient algorithms with real-world use cases.

    Module 6: Memory Management & Pointers

    • Dynamic Memory Allocation
      • Allocating memory on Heap vs Stack.
      • Use of new, delete, and pointer operations.
    • Advanced Pointer Concepts
      • Pointer to Pointer, Dereferencing, and memory optimization.
    • Array Data Structure
      • Memory allocation for arrays and their use in real-world applications.

    Module 7: Object-Oriented Programming in C++

    • Classes and Objects
      • Defining classes, objects, methods, and attributes.
    • Inheritance in C++
      • Single-level, Multi-level, Hierarchical, and Multiple Inheritance.
      • Use of Parent and Child Classes.
    • Constructors and Methods
      • Constructor Overloading and User-Defined Constructors.

    Module 8: Recursion and Looping Mechanisms

    • Recursion Basics
      • Direct and Indirect Recursion with use cases (Factorial, etc.).
    • Looping Structures
      • for, while, and do-while loops for iteration and recursion.
    • Stack Overflow & Activation Records
      • Handling recursion efficiently and understanding stack memory.

    Module 9: Advanced Memory and Pointer Operations

    • Dynamic Memory & Heap Allocation
      • Understanding malloc, free, and memory management techniques.
    • Multi-Level Pointers and Double Pointer Use Cases
      • Managing and accessing data using pointers in multi-dimensional arrays.

    Module 10: Data Structures in C++

    • Arrays & Linked Lists
      • Static and Dynamic Arrays, Continuous and Non-Continuous Memory Allocations.
    • Advanced Data Structures
      • Linked List implementation and memory management.

    Module 11: Inheritance and Method Overloading

    • Access Modifiers
      • Controlling data access with public, private, and protected.
    • Constructor Overloading
      • Implementing multiple constructors in classes.
    • Polymorphism
      • Method Overloading, overriding, and runtime polymorphism.

    Module 12: Memory Allocation & Deallocation

    • Heap vs Stack Memory Allocation
      • Differences and use cases for dynamic vs static memory allocation.
    • Pointers in Memory Management
      • Allocating and deallocating memory with pointers.

    Module 13: Advanced Concepts in C++

    • Concurrency and Parallelism
      • Basic multithreading concepts.
    • Cloud Integration Concepts
      • Multicloud strategies and the need for cloud in large-scale applications.


  • Module 1: Introduction to Java

    • Overview of Java
      • Real industry use cases of Java
      • Why learn Java?
    • History and Evolution of Java
      • History of Java
      • Versions of Java
      • Introduction to Amazon Corretto
    • Java Development Environment
      • Understanding JRE, JDK, and JVM
      • Installing Amazon Corretto Java
      • Setting up IntelliJ IDE and VS Code

    Module 2: Java Development Basics

    • Java Runtime Environment
      • Understanding the role of JRE and JVM
      • Running Java code: JDK, JVM, and JRE explained
    • Java Tools and Microservices
      • Introduction to Java tools
      • Understanding microservices in Java

    Module 3: Java Syntax and Structure

    • Basic Syntax and Structure
      • Statements, functions, and classes
      • Access modifiers and controllers
    • Variables and Data Types
      • Primitive and non-primitive data types
      • Memory management and typecasting
    • Operators and Expressions
      • Arithmetic, logical, and comparison operators
      • Input/Output operations using the Scanner class

    Module 4: Control Flow in Java

    • Conditional Statements
      • if-else, switch statements
    • Looping Constructs
      • for, while, and do-while loops
      • Introduction to recursion and iteration

    Module 5: Arrays and Memory Management

    • Working with Arrays
      • Creating, initializing, and traversing arrays
      • Understanding static vs. dynamic memory allocation
    • Java Memory Model
      • Stack memory vs. heap memory
      • Garbage collection in Java

    Module 6: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Concepts

    • OOP Principles
      • Classes, objects, and attributes
      • Understanding inheritance, encapsulation, and abstraction
    • Creating and Managing Classes
      • Constructors: Default and parameterized
      • Method overloading and overriding

    Module 7: Advanced OOP Concepts

    • Inheritance and Polymorphism
      • Types of inheritance
      • Dynamic method dispatch
    • Abstract Classes and Interfaces
      • Implementing abstract classes and interfaces
      • Understanding method overriding in interfaces

    Module 8: Packages and Modularization

    • Understanding Java Packages
      • Creating and managing packages
      • Access control with modifiers
    • Java Maven Repository
      • Overview and usage of Maven for package management

    Module 9: Java Collections Framework

    • Introduction to Collections
      • Overview of collections and data structures
      • Working with ArrayList, LinkedList, HashMap, and HashSet
    • CRUD Operations and Traversing Collections
      • Performing CRUD operations
      • Using iterators and enhanced for loops

    Module 10: Exception Handling in Java

    • Understanding Exceptions
      • Types of exceptions: Checked vs. unchecked
      • Using try-catch blocks
    • Custom Exception Handling
      • Throwing and catching custom exceptions

    Module 11: Multithreading in Java

    • Introduction to Threads
      • Creating and managing threads
      • Thread lifecycle and synchronization

    Module 12: Java Lambdas and Functional Programming

    • Understanding Lambdas
      • Using lambda expressions for cleaner code
    • Functional Interfaces
      • Overview of common functional interfaces in Java streams

    Module 13: File I/O and Serialization

    • File Handling in Java
      • Reading from and writing to files
    • Serialization and Deserialization
      • Understanding object serialization in Java

    Module 14: Advanced Java Topics

    • Bytecode and JVM Internals
      • How Java compiles to bytecode
      • Overview of JVM internals
    • Introduction to Java Frameworks
      • Overview of Spring and Hibernate frameworks

    Module 15: Deployment and Best Practices

    • Deploying Java Applications
      • Creating WAR/JAR files for deployment
    • Java Coding Best Practices
      • Understanding clean code principles

Java Script

Module 1: Introduction to JavaScript

  • Overview of JavaScript
    • History and Evolution of JavaScript.
    • JavaScript in the web development ecosystem.
  • Setting Up the Environment
    • Tools and IDEs for JavaScript development (VS Code, browser console).
    • Understanding the browser’s Developer Tools.

Module 2: Basics of JavaScript

  • Syntax and Data Types
    • Variables (let, const, var), Data Types (String, Number, Boolean, Object, Undefined, Null).
  • Operators
    • Arithmetic, Assignment, Comparison, Logical, and Ternary operators.
  • Control Structures
    • Conditional statements (if, else, switch).
    • Looping mechanisms (for, while, do…while).

Module 3: Functions and Scope

  • Function Basics
    • Function declaration, expression, and arrow functions.
    • Understanding parameters and return values.
  • Scope and Hoisting
    • Global vs local scope, block scope.
    • Hoisting behavior of variables and functions.

Module 4: Objects and Arrays

  • JavaScript Objects
    • Creating and manipulating objects (literal notation, constructors).
    • Understanding this keyword and object methods.
  • Arrays
    • Creating and manipulating arrays (methods like push, pop, map, filter, reduce).
    • Multidimensional arrays and array iteration.

Module 5: Advanced Functions

  • Higher-Order Functions
    • Understanding callbacks and first-class functions.
  • Closures
    • Creating closures and their use cases.
  • Promises and Async/Await
    • Understanding asynchronous programming in JavaScript.
    • Implementing Promises and async/await for handling asynchronous operations.

Module 6: DOM Manipulation

  • Introduction to the Document Object Model (DOM)
    • Understanding the structure of HTML documents.
    • Selecting and manipulating DOM elements.
  • Event Handling
    • Adding event listeners, handling events, and event propagation.
    • Common event types and methods for handling them.

Module 7: Error Handling and Debugging

  • Error Handling Techniques
    • Using try, catch, and finally.
    • Understanding different error types.
  • Debugging JavaScript Code
    • Using browser Developer Tools for debugging.
    • Common debugging techniques and best practices.

Module 8: JavaScript ES6 and Beyond

  • New Features in ES6
    • Template literals, destructuring, spread/rest operators.
    • Default parameters and enhanced object literals.
  • Modules
    • Understanding module syntax (import, export) and module bundlers (Webpack, Parcel).

Module 9: Object-Oriented JavaScript

  • Prototypal Inheritance
    • Understanding the prototype chain.
  • Classes
    • ES6 class syntax, constructors, and inheritance.
  • Encapsulation
    • Private and public properties and methods.

Module 10: JavaScript in Web Development

  • AJAX and Fetch API
    • Making asynchronous HTTP requests.
    • Understanding JSON and working with APIs.
  • Single Page Applications (SPAs)
    • Overview of SPAs and frameworks (React, Vue, Angular).
    • Basics of routing and state management.

Module 11: Testing and Performance Optimization

  • Testing JavaScript Code
    • Introduction to testing frameworks (Jest, Mocha).
    • Writing unit tests and integration tests.
  • Performance Optimization
    • Common performance issues and how to address them.
    • Tools for performance profiling (Chrome DevTools).

Where These Programming Languages Are Used: In Real-World Applications

Python: The Language of Versatility

Used In:
Data Science & Machine Learning: Python’s simplicity and extensive libraries like TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Scikit-learn make it the go-to language for AI, ML, and Data Science applications.
Web Development: With frameworks like Django and Flask, Python powers high-performance web applications for companies like Instagram and Pinterest.
Automation & Scripting: Python is widely used for writing scripts to automate repetitive tasks in DevOps, IT, and software testing. Backend Development: Python's fast development cycle makes it ideal for developing robust server-side applications.

Java: Backbone of Enterprise Applications

Used In:
Enterprise Software: Java is a core language for building large-scale enterprise applications and backend services for businesses across industries (e.g., banking, insurance, healthcare).
Android App Development: Java is the native language for building Android applications, making it critical for mobile developers.
Web & Application Servers: Java powers popular web servers and application servers such as Apache Tomcat and JBoss.
Cloud Computing: Many cloud platforms, including AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure, rely heavily on Java-based applications and services.

C++: High-Performance & Systems Programming

Used In:
Game Development: C++ is the preferred language for developing high-performance video games using engines like Unreal Engine and Unity.
Embedded Systems: C++ is widely used in hardware programming and embedded systems where performance and memory management are crucial (e.g., automotive systems, IoT devices).
Operating Systems & Device Drivers: Operating systems like Windows, macOS, and Linux have core components written in C++, making it the go-to language for low-level systems programming.
High-Frequency Trading: In finance, C++ is used to build trading algorithms where speed and efficiency are paramount.

JavaScript: The Language of the Web

Used In:
Web Development: JavaScript is essential for building dynamic, interactive front-end applications. Libraries like React, Angular, and Vue.js power millions of websites globally.
Server-Side Development: With Node.js, JavaScript has become a popular choice for building high-performance, server-side applications and APIs.
Mobile App Development: Using frameworks like React Native and Ionic, developers can build cross-platform mobile apps for iOS and Android using JavaScript.
Game Development: JavaScript, together with HTML5, is increasingly being used for building browser-based games.

Why Mastering 
These Languages is Essential for Your Career

The Swiss Army Knife of Programming

  • Growing Demand: Python is consistently ranked as one of the most in-demand programming languages due to its versatility in data science, AI, and web development.
  • Career Opportunities: Learning Python opens doors to roles like Data Scientist, Machine Learning Engineer, Software Developer, and Automation Engineer.
  • Fast Learning Curve: Its simple syntax makes Python an excellent language for beginners while offering powerful libraries for advanced applications.

The Backbone of Business Applications

  • Enterprise-Scale Opportunities: Java is a top choice for enterprise software, cloud applications, and Android development. Mastery of Java ensures you can work on large-scale systems in finance, healthcare, and telecom.
  • Job Market: Java developers are consistently in high demand across industries, with positions like Enterprise Architect, Backend Developer, and Android App Developer.
  • Robust Ecosystem: The Spring and Hibernate frameworks are widely used in enterprise environments, making Java an indispensable skill for building scalable, reliable systems.
The Key to High-Performance Computing
  • Essential for Performance-Critical Applications: C++ is used in industries requiring high-speed computations, such as gaming, finance (HFT), and systems programming. It’s the go-to language for high-performance and low-latency applications.
  • Lucrative Career Paths: C++ opens the door to highly specialized fields such as game development, systems engineering, robotics, and hardware design.
  • Mastery of Memory Management: C++ gives you control over memory and resources, a crucial skill in fields where performance and optimization are non-negotiable.

The Future of Web and Mobile

  • Ubiquitous in Web Development: JavaScript is the de facto language of the web, enabling you to build interactive websites, single-page applications, and progressive web apps.
  • Cross-Platform Advantage: With tools like React Native and Electron, JavaScript enables developers to create mobile apps and desktop applications using the same codebase.
  • Full Stack Development: Mastering JavaScript allows you to become a full-stack developer with Node.js on the backend and popular libraries like React or Angular on the frontend.

Who are Hiring

Who is this training for?

Software Developer/Engineer
Freshers aspiring for an IT role
College pursuing students
Data Analyst/Scientist
Machine Learning Engineer
DevOps Engineer
Game Developer
Managers & Team Leaders
Technical Co-Founders
College HOD & Professors
Web Developer
AI Developer
Network Engineer
Cybersecurity Analyst
Hands-On Projects 
You'll Build
  • Python Projects

    To-Do List Application
    Creating a command-line or GUI-based app to manage tasks with features like adding, deleting, and marking tasks as complete.
    Weather Forecast App
    Using an API like OpenWeatherMap to build an app that fetches and displays real-time weather information based on the user's location.
    Expense Tracker Develop a simple tool to log daily expenses, categorize them, and generate monthly reports.
    Quiz Game
    Building a terminal-based quiz game that randomly selects questions from a pre-defined set and keeps track of the score.
    URL Shortener
    Create a web-based app that shortens URLs using Python frameworks like Flask or Django.

  • C++ Projects

    Library Management System
    Developing a console-based system to manage book records, including issuing and returning books.
    Bank Account Management System
    Implementing a basic banking system where users can create accounts, deposit/withdraw money, and view their transaction history.
    Snake Game
    Creating a console-based snake game using basic graphics libraries like ncurses.
    Simple Calculator
    Building a console-based calculator that can perform basic arithmetic operations (+, -, *, /) with user input.
    Student Record Management
    Designing a system where you can add, delete, and display student records, utilizing file handling for data persistence.

  • Java Projects

    Student Management System
    Creating a desktop or console application to add, view, and manage student data.
    Bank ATM Simulation
    Developing a simple ATM simulation where users can log in, check balances, deposit, and withdraw money.
    Simple Chat Application
    Building a chat application that allows two users to communicate through sockets on the same network.
    Online Voting System
    Designing a system where users can cast votes, and administrators can tally and display results.
    Hotel Booking System
    Creating a console-based or GUI-based hotel booking system that allows users to book rooms and manage reservations.

  • Java Script Projects

    To-Do List with Local Storage
    Developing a web-based to-do list that stores data in the browser's local storage, allowing persistence across sessions.
    Weather App
    Building a weather application using a public API to fetch and display real-time weather updates.
    Quiz App
    Creating a simple quiz web app with multiple-choice questions, a timer, and score tracking.
    Currency Converter
    Building a dynamic currency converter app that fetches exchange rates from an API and calculates conversions in real-time.
    Portfolio Website
    Designing a personal portfolio website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to showcase your skills and projects.

4 Reasons 
to learn under Mr. Vimal Daga


Teaching beyond the certification



Practical Industry knowledge, Creator mentality


90 days technical support and a community for lifetime networking 


Exclusive training of most demanded & market valued 

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sure if the training is for YOU?

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If you have ticked any of the above box, then you are invited to join this Training

Get Certified

Yes! You will be certified for this training once you submit the task given, if any

Official and verified:

Receive an instructor signed certificate with institution’s logo to verify your achievements and increase your job prospects

Easily shareable

Add the certificate to your CV or your Resume or post it directly on LInkedin. You can even post it on instagram and twitter.

Enhances Credibility

Use your certificate to enhance your professional credibility and stand out among your peers as an expert

Increase potential opportunities

By showcasing your achieved skill set using your certificate, attracting the employer for the desired job opportunities becomes easy

Know Your Mentor

None of the technologies is complex since created by human beings. Hence, anyone can learn it and create something new.

#13 proudly presents Vimal Daga as the mentor for this program

A world record holder, Mr. Vimal Daga is a Technologist, Philanthropist & A TEDx Speaker who is dedicatedly working atowards his vision- “Awakening the youth through a culture of right education”.

He is the first one in the world to become “RedHat Certified Architect Level 25 along with Enterprise Application Level 10”. Companies benefited from his 19+ years of experience.

He has expertise in multitude of latest and high-end technologies namely Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Delphix, AppDynamics, Docker, DevOps, Cloud Computing, AWS, and many more.
2,00,000+ Students Impacted
1,50,000+ Professionals trained
75+ Global Certifications
200+ Companies benefited

Vimal's Journey
From humble beginnings to winning learners' hearts across the globe

With the expertise to deliver any technology in an easy way and a heart to share his knowledge, Vimal Daga is a self-made IT enthusiast. He is meticulous about researching the skills needed for the future and making them available for the entrepreneurs & professionals of tomorrow. The masterly IT consultant has changed the lives of many students with his inspiring teachings. 

You can be the next!

Stepping Stones of Vimal’s vision: 

Vimal Daga, in his near 20 years of experience has earned many laurels. To mention a few:

  • Became Young Entrepreneur 
  • A TedX speaker
  • Trained more than 3,50,000+ students for free
  • Two-time world record holder
  • Fastest achiever of 11 AWS global certifications (in 11 days)
  • Highest RHCA level holder (25th level with 10th level EA)
  • Creating 100s and more of entrepreneurs through his trainings

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • 80 hours Total    
  • Online Mode 
  • Starting from 15th Oct 2024

The program will be delivered LIVE, providing full interactive opportunities to participants for sustainable learning.

Yes, we do provide the access to the material which was covered in the training for your future reference for limited time span

No, we are not offering any corporate or group discount.

We start from the very basics, so no previous knowledge is required.

Yes DEFINITELY. You will be added to a community where technical support team members will answer your queries for 90 days from the completion of the program.

Our alumni works at: